The Kleshas – Our Shadow Sides

Quelle: Pixabay, jplenio

"Ignorance, self-centeredness, attraction and aversion, and fear of death are causes of suffering."

What are the Kleshas?

The Kleshas are the 5 shadow sides in our lives that stand in the way of our happiness. The kleshas are called Avidya, Asmita, Raga, Dvesha and Abinivesha. An Indian scholar, named Patanjali, probably lived between the 2nd century BC and the 2nd century AD. During this time, Patanjali wrote a yoga guide called the Yogasutras. The Kleshas were recorded and described in the Yogasutras. I would like to bring the Kleshas a little closer to you and also bring my understanding.


Quelle: Pixabay, KELLEPICS

Avidya means that we misunderstand something. When we “apply” our beliefs and experiences to other people and therefore believe we know what that person is like. If we do not reflect that, we are in the midst of avidya. The wrong understanding. Situations can also be misinterpreted in this way and possibly lead to suffering. If we do not notice this so-called obstacle on our way and also do not reflect it, we project bad behaviors, negative and evil intentions into other people. Avidya also means that we have forgotten that we have a pure soul that has a human experience on earth. Avidya is the root of all obstacles and leads to the other 4 Kleshas.


Quelle: Pixabay, ElisaRiva

Asmita means that we misunderstand ourselves and this leads to an exaggerated or unstable ego. We identify with roles in society, culture, feelings and thoughts. When asked who we are, we often say our name and what we do for a living. We are also expected to identify ourselves in this way to the outside world. We look for confirmation on the outside and forget who we really are. We are all ONE. Our body consists of atoms which are held together by a compression of energy. We have a measurable magnetic field around us. We breathe and exchange with the environment with the breath. We are connected to everything. With the realization that you are a pure soul connected to everything, you overcome Asmita.


Quelle: Pixabay, vyvolejto

Raga means that we are attached to people or objects. Of course, attachment is important in life to a healthy degree. However, when we start to find happiness and the meaning of life in which we must have people or objects, it can lead to great pain. Thoughts that constantly go outward around a particular person, the next shopping spree, alcohol or other addictions can take all of our energy away.


Quelle: Pixabay, succo

Dvesha means rejecting ourselves, other people or objects. Dvesha is the opposite of raga and can also cause us to suffer. Again, we have a wrong understanding of ourselves and have forgotten who we are. Through old programming and experiences, we avoid situations that can get in the way of our happiness. Be it the fear of dogs; that we don’t feel beautiful because of the media, or that our society models standards for us that we can’t live up to. All of this can lead us to reject ourselves. Likewise, because of our upbringing or society, we may reject other people. Here, too, we are allowed to reflect on who we are and what unites us all.


Abhinivesha means to have unfounded fear. Patanjali writes that even the wise find it very difficult to be fearless. The greatest fears we have are fears of change, loss, judgment, impermanence, and death. We insure against all risks and hold on to collateral. Only to realize that there is nothing that can protect us from change, old age, illness and death. It is important to look and to repress and deny less. Once we live our lives consciously and take control of them, we can best counteract our own fears.

In the Yogasutras, Patanjali’s eight-limbed path addresses and eliminates the causes of kleshas.

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