Dreiseelenkristall, Yoga in Augsburg

Laughter master

Who will represent Germany at the World Laughter Championship in Canada 2024?

The World Laughing Championship will take place on June 01, 2024 at 18:00 CET from Canada!!!
You can register here and “cheer on” our Romy. We look forward to your first World Cup!

3 Profilbilder von den Gewinnern der Lachmeisterschaft 2024. Betitelt mit 1 Romy Einhorn 2 Mona Deibele und 3 Andre Wiegel
Experience the German Laughter Championship once again!!!
Here you will find a short and a slightly longer recording of the German Laughter Championships. All 8 candidates are visible with their laughter and infect us with their laughter.
Have fun watching and laughing along!

Credits: Videos created with Filmora by Wondershare. Music: Za Rah Kumara

The background to the German Laughter Championships
Since 2021, a World Laughter Championship has been held annually in Canada under the direction of Albert Nerenberg. The whole thing ONLINE via Zoom.
Different countries will be represented by a country laughing champion. In 2024, Germany should also be at the start of the World Laughing Championship in Canada with a German Laughing Champion. For this reason, regional laughter championships will be held in Germany in November and December 2023 at 5 virtual laughter locations.
Subsequently, the German Laughing Champion will be chosen from the regional winners in January 2024 to represent Germany at the World Laughing Championship in Canada in May 2024.
Get an insight into the 2023 World Laughter Championship with Albert Nerenberg in this video:
The winners of the Regional Laughter Championships 2023 who were able to take part in the German Laughter Championships on 20.01.2024:
Region West: Susanne Heups and Sandra Mandl
Southern Region: Andre Wiegel and Kerstin Spoer
Northern Region: Urte Hilscher and Barbara Pfeifer
Region East/Center: Romy Einhorn and Mona Deibele
Experience our candidates in a short video.

Credits: Videos created with Filmora by Wondershare. Music: Za Rah Kumara and the laughing rock song

Do we need a mastery of laughter?
In fact, you might ask yourself why we need a championship for laughter.
When I called Susanne from the Stuttgart Laughter School and asked if we could organize a laughter championship together, she asked exactly this question. She has recorded a short video about this. Take a look!
Susanne gave an interview to the radio station SWR 1 about the German Laughter Championships. (In German) Enjoy

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