Dreiseelenkristall, Yoga in Augsburg

Taj Shabad

Sat Nam & Namasté

Lachende Frau im weißen Kleid sitzt am Ammersee.
Born in 1979 in the old GDR and grew up in the small town Naumburg at the Saale. Even as a child, I felt that life according to a certain norm was not possible for me. At that time, however, there was no yoga or development of alternative life concepts in my environment. So I followed the “normal” path, trained as a social insurance clerk and then moved to the beautiful city of Augsburg in Bavaria. I’ve been settled here since 1998, work in performance auditing for a large health insurance company and was still looking for something to fulfill my soul.
It was a restless and long journey until I stumbled into a Kundalini Yoga class for the first time and thought to myself: “Yes, this is exactly what I was looking for.”
My path led me to Kundalini Yoga, Laughter Yoga and Restorative Yoga. It was here that I found my inner strength, a life-affirming attitude to life and deep regeneration for body, mind and soul.
My lessons are for everyone. My path led me to a care center for homeless women, families who have fallen through “all the cracks”, people with a migration background and even managers in senior positions. We can all go our own way, happy and relaxed. It is my mission to show that every living being can feel loved.
Since 2020 I have been teaching Kundalini Yoga and Restorative Yoga to help people achieve more awareness, energy and relaxation. In 2023, I founded a small laughter club for a life-affirming feeling and initiated the first laughter championship in Germany. I also write a little blog about yoga, how we can bring yoga into our everyday lives and bring more abundance into our lives.
With lots of love,
Taj Shabad


2011 Relaxation training at the Paracelsus School in Augsburg – 100 hours
2018 Kundalini Yoga Training Level 1 with Jivan Mukta – 220 hours
2020 Pilates training at the Academy for Sport and Health
2022 Yin Yoga training with Laura Klocke – 50 hours
2022 Restorative Yoga Training at Yogastudio Online – 60 hours
2022 Yoga therapy for the lower extremities with Holger Zapf – 50 hours
2023 Hatha Yoga Training at Yoga Studio Sanely – 200 hours
2023 Advanced training in Restorative Yoga at Arhantayoga – 75 hours
Additional training
Healing and crystal work with Za Rah Kumara and Hansu Jot
Working with essential oils with Christine Hecht
Laughter yoga trainer at the Stuttgart Laughter School

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Taj Shabad mit Turban und weißem Gewand. Sie hat eine Kristallkugel in den Händen. Im Hintergrund ein Baum und eine grüne Wiese.

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