
Räucherschale mit Sand, Kräutern und Kohle

"We can use incense to cleanse, heal, protect, bless, create a spiritual space/atmosphere, oracle and spiritually travel."

Smoking is traditionally done in the dark season. However, there are so many ways to smoke. Even in the light season of the year. In a nutshell, smoking is the burning of resins, herbs, flowers, seeds, needles, roots and wood on a heat source. Fragrances and active ingredients are released and distributed in the room by the smoke. This practice is several millennia old.

I myself love smoking, as it can noticeably cleanse the air or your own field of negative energies. What I find particularly beautiful is when healing sounds are played and I can recharge myself afterwards with either another incense herb or a meditation.

This practice connects me strongly with the earth and brings me back to the here and now.

What are the reasons for smoking?

I have the most important reasons for you here:

Scenting the room

Smoking with soothing herbs is a great way to add a fresh fragrance to your house or apartment.

For room cleaning

Certain incense herbs can be used to “smoke out” negative vibrations and energies. A clear atmosphere remains, which may be necessary for meditation or channeling, for example

Aura cleansing

There are certain herbs that help to cleanse our aura. One of the herbs is juniper, for example. It has a cleansing and protective power. I feel much lighter after an aura cleansing.


It was an integral part of the annual festivals and later of the Christian feast days. Important stages of life, such as birth, separation and death, were accompanied by incense mixtures. Full moon and new moon ceremonies are also accompanied by incense herbs.

What types of smoking are there?

I have also compiled the most important species for you here:

Smoking with a stove

This type of incense is very gentle and is great for meditation. Less smoke is produced and it spreads more slowly throughout the room. It is important here that you use, for example, smoking chippings or a stainless steel plate for dripping resins. Otherwise fine herbs can quickly char.

Smoking with coal

This type of smoking produces a lot of smoke. I love it, because here you can feel how negative energies are “smoked out”. When smoking with charcoal, it is important to use a suitable container, sand and perhaps smoking tongs.

What I find nice is a birch broom or a few feathers that can be used for aura cleansing or house cleaning.

Tinder sponge

The tinder sponge is a good substitute for smoking charcoal. You can find this sponge on old and weakened trees. You can cut it into pieces and then dry it completely. However, the tinder fungus has an inherent odor. That’s why it’s important that you try things out first.

Smoking bundle

Here, resinous plants are rolled up into a bundle and dried. A few non-resinous herbs can be added to the resinous plants. Perhaps you know the 9-herb bush from the tradition of the Assumption of Mary on August 15. These are perfect for outdoor cleansing rituals.

Kelle mit Salbeiblättern

What you should look out for!

  1. Do not smoke when someone is pregnant. There are herbs that have an abortive effect.
  2. Please do not smoke under a smoke detector. It is also good to light the herbs outdoors.
  3. Always make sure that you either use natural herbs or that no chemicals have been used in the products you buy. I wouldn’t buy incense sticks with a cherry or apple scent myself.

Do you have certain rituals or times when you burn incense? What is your favorite way to smoke? Feel free to let me know in the comments.

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