
Quelle: Pixabay, solut_rai

"Mudra are postures of your hands to make your energy flow".

What are mudras?

Mudras are symbolic gestures and postures used in Indian yoga and meditation practice. Mudras are used to direct and harmonize certain energies in the body (e.g. by releasing blockages). I present to you here a few mudras that are formed with the hands. Because there are also mudras that you can form with your eyes or lips.

Anjali Mudra (Namasté)

The Anjali Mudra is probably the best known mudra. You may know it as “prayer posture”, Namasté or Namaskar Mudra. The gesture with the connection to Namasté means “The highest in me greets the highest in you” or “I greet your being”. In India, it is a form of greeting like shaking hands with us.

To do this, bring your hands together in front of your heart. The focus is on the connection of the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Your hands are in prayer position in front of your heart chakra and you connect with the heart energy. The Anjali Mudra has a balancing effect, reduces stress and directs the attention inward.

Chin, Jnana or Gyan Mudra

For this mudra, your index fingers and thumb touch and the remaining fingers are spread apart. When you point your palms down, it is called Jnana Mudra (grounding) – when your palms point up, it is called Chin Mudra (receiving from the Supreme Self). Gyan Mudra can always be said in addition. The index finger represents the individual self (Atman, from Hindu belief), bending and uniting with universal being (thumb, Brahman). This mudra helps you overcome worldly duality and transcend the ego.

The Jnana Mudra is also one of the most famous mudras and is often used during meditation.

Vishnu Mudra

The Vishnu Mudra is known among yogis primarily because it is part of the alternate breaths.

In Vishnu Mudra, you flex your index and middle fingers and you have your thumb and ring finger and pinky finger relaxed.

The Vishnu Mudra is named after one of the most important Hindu gods – Vishnu, the sustainer of the world, who keeps the universe in balance. Accordingly, the Vishnu Mudra has a balancing effect on the energy flow in the physical and energetic body – and thus optimally supports the effect of alternate breathing.

Pran Mudra

Hand. Daumen, Ringfinger und kleiner Finger sind zusammengeführt. Zeigefinger und Mittelfinger sind gestreckt.
Vishnu Mudra

The Pran Mudra or Prana Mudra is often called the Life or Earth Mudra. It stands for stability, grounding and balance.

Bring the fingertip of the thumb together with the ring and little finger. The index and middle fingers are spread apart.

The Pran Mudra can give you more life energy, reduces fatigue and inner nervousness. It can give you more stamina and confidence. And as the name suggests, the mudra is said to increase your prana, or life energy.

It strengthens, regenerates the body, warms the heart and clears your mind.

Quelle: Pixabay, congerdesign

Feel free to try the mudras and leave me a comment here on how you are doing with the mudras.

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