
Kundalini Yoga Online

"Meditation is about seeing the truth in each moment - not the absolute truth, but the true and untrue in each moment."


In my many years of experience, I have often heard in my environment: “I can’t meditate because I can’t sit still, and besides, I can’t get rid of my thoughts.” Or even, “Why should I meditate at all?” Do you feel the same way? Here’s a promise from me: anyone can meditate and the benefits are incredibly good.

For centuries, people have meditated to free themselves from thoughts, to feel the sense of lightness and to simply relax. In a meditation you come to yourself, start to feel yourself and hear your inner voice.

There are actually many meditations that one also quickly loses the overview and wonders what it is all good for. I felt the same way at the beginning.

What is exciting to me is that many people spend so much money to learn to meditate. You don’t need to spend money for a simple meditation. It’s simplified: sit comfortably, close your eyes and breathe. The mind control thing is a matter of practice, believe me.

If you feel like meditating with the Three Souls Crystal community, follow me on Mindful Morning Yoga.

Here I give you some tips and meditation exercises if you want to give it a try.

Meditation for beginners

Here I would like to introduce you to a meditation that I experienced for the first time in my Kundalini Yoga training and came to appreciate very much.

This meditation can help you stay with yourself when life is raging around you. It can help you to feel yourself consciously. Have fun practicing.

Walking meditation

This meditation is a great everyday meditation to practice mindfulness and enjoy walking again. This is purely about the process of walking. Every little thing may be consciously perceived and it is about arriving again in the here and now.

The beauty of walking meditation is that you can do it anywhere. Whether you’re on your way to the bakery, to work, or just to the car. The important thing is to be aware of everything.

Try to perceive everything value-free and observe yourself from the outside. You will feel your breathing flow naturally after some time. Stay mindful and decelerate.

Meditation with a mantra

A meditation with a mantra is a very special meditation, because here certain affirmations settle into your subconscious and set desired changes in motion.

Here I would actually like to recommend you the help of an experienced teacher. Also, chanting and meditating in a group can become a healing experience.

Here is my teacher, whom I can heartily recommend for various events and meditations:

Za Rah Kumara

Find all albums and singles by Za Rah Kumara:

Have fun practicing and feel free to leave a comment here telling me how you are doing with it.

Source: Pixabay, qimono

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