Dreiseelenkristall, Yoga in Augsburg

Digital Sadhana

Sadhana is a daily purification process. Every 72 hours your cells renew themselves. Just like the shower in the morning, cleansing is recommended for the soul and spirit.

The yoga scriptures recommend a sadhana of at least 2 1/2 hours before sunrise.

It has also been mentioned in the scriptures that the time at 3 a.m. is associated with the heart center. Even the JapJi, our morning prayer, which we say first in our sadhana, has a relationship to the heart, is a ‘song of the soul’. In these early hours, the protection of the aura, and the ability to relate spiritually with our spiritual teacher is most effective. Prana, the universal life energy is more concentrated during this time. Physical and mental purification and stabilization is more easily achieved during these hours than at any other time of the day. Only a few people are awake and the noise and bustle of the day are not yet disturbing.

New dates will be announced soon

Meeting does not exist: 89622804788.

A sadhana is free of charge. Anyone may participate. If you would still like to make a donation to help me continue my work, I would be delighted.



The morning prayer

When one

glich the entire Japji Sahib recited, brings this your totality into balance and activates your Soul. You can also any single Pauri 11 times a day recitein order to participate in a specific aspect to work.

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Taj Shabad mit Turban und weißem Gewand. Sie hat eine Kristallkugel in den Händen. Im Hintergrund ein Baum und eine grüne Wiese.

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