Dreiseelenkristall, Yoga in Augsburg

Restorative Yoga

Yoga studio Sanely Meraner Str. 43A, Augsburg

Suitable for beginners and advanced users. Here you will find your time out from everyday life. Restorative Yoga rebalances your nervous system and realigns your spine . You will enter […]

Restorative Yoga with Hot Stones

Dandelion Lindauer Str. 56, Augsburg

From MAKING to BEING. Restorative Yoga is a very calming, inward looking form of yoga. The body is brought into therapeutic asanas supported with soft bolsters, blocks and cozy blankets. […]

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Taj Shabad mit Turban und weißem Gewand. Sie hat eine Kristallkugel in den Händen. Im Hintergrund ein Baum und eine grüne Wiese.

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