Dreiseelenkristall, Yoga in Augsburg

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Restorative yoga with hot stones – 75 minutes

December 10, 2024 @ 18:30 - 19:45

Frau lieg auf einem Bolster in einem Yogastudio. Pflanze im Hintergrund. Weiße Wand. Frau trägt schwarzes Shirt und braune Hose.


Restorative Yoga is a very calming, inward looking form of yoga. The body is brought into therapeutic asanas supported with soft bolsters, blocks and cozy blankets. Rest, silence and relaxation are in the foreground. Restorative Yoga is inspired by B.K.S. Iyengar, who gave yoga a new direction through the use of assistive devices.

While the body relaxes, heated stones are gently placed on the hands or body. The warmth of the stones gently penetrates the muscles and melts away any physical and emotional tension.

The lesson is suitable for all levels and can be practiced even with physical limitations and health problems. Restorative Yoga is especially recommended when you are currently taking a break from your “normal yoga practice” due to an injury, or when you are under a lot of strain and stress.

Please bring warm, comfortable clothing and a cloth or eye pillow.




December 10, 2024
18:30 - 19:45
Event Categories:


LOFT Studio
Am Perlachberg 2
Augsburg, 86150 Deutschland


Three soul crystal

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Taj Shabad mit Turban und weißem Gewand. Sie hat eine Kristallkugel in den Händen. Im Hintergrund ein Baum und eine grüne Wiese.

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